2009 year in review

Dec 29, 2009 22:42

351/365 goodnight christmas tree
Originally uploaded by embem30It's that time again. I've been quite the slacker with posting in the last few months, but I did have at least one post per month this year. If I have time in the next day or so, I might do an actual sum-up post, but it's likely that I won't get to it until after the upcoming trip to MI, IL, and NYC.

Go to your Calendar and find the first entry for each month of 2009. Post the first line of it in your journal, and that's your "Year In Review."

January: I've never been one for New Year's resolutions, but something about this time of year does seem to bring about a little more ambition to get things done.

February: So... back at the end of January, I promised to update about work and outings. Since I'd rather post with a new picture for these "outings," I'll just write about work for now.

March: Steve and I have been trying not to spend too much money lately by not going out to dinner very much.

April: Having realized that I only wrote one real post in all of March, I decided it was time to write the one I've been meaning to do since about November or December. I saw Twilight when it came out in theaters.

May: I started to write an entry about the cabaret class show last weekend, but I scrapped it for being too boring.

June: I'm having a love affair with a book. It's charming and sweet, and it entices me with the visions of food.

July: I realize that by titling this entry with a "pt. 1" I am implying that there will be a part 2 in the foreseeable future. (Halfway in to 365)

August: I'm not sure if I'm going to get around to writing a wrap-up about the summer shows anytime soon, and it may end up being friends-only if I do, so we're moving on to my birthday.

September: August blog postings=epic fail. What with the summer shows, my birthday, our first anniversary, the trip to Napa, and other craziness, I'm only now starting to feel like I'm catching up.

October: Oh look, it's October and I still haven't finished posting about our anniversary trip that happened almost two months ago... The in-laws have been here, and work has started up again, so I've been a little busy.

November: It's Thanksgiving, and one of the things for which I am thankful is the fact that the fall show is done.

December: It's almost Christmas, almost bedtime, and NBC's Sing Off was almost a good show.

The lesson here? Maybe one of my New Years plans this year should be to blog more. All my posts end up starting with variations of the same: "I've been bad about posting, I haven't posted in a while, I still have to write about this or that." I'm toying with the idea of a new blog--something that works better with photos. Not sure if that will happen, but it would still be nice to blog more of my pictures.

We'll see.


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