(no subject)

Feb 04, 2010 08:01

  • 11:15 @ seishin17 For those of us with keen minds that are very analytical, those are spoilers. #
  • 11:30 @ seishin17 For me, they're spoilers. Like I said, my mind is *very* good at deducing details of story from such things. #
  • 11:32 I totally forgot to pick up my reserve copy of Star Trek Online yesterday at work. Debating whether to drive there on my day off... #
  • 14:20 @ seishin17 But the deductions have already coloured my view of the episode nonetheless. #
  • 14:21 @seishin17 It's your twitter feed, so do what you wish. I'll unfollow if it persists to avoid the issue. #
  • 16:56 After 2 more hours of troubleshooting, I found out this copy of Windows hates Firefox for some unknown reason. Dear gods I despise Windows. #
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