(no subject)

Jan 02, 2022 06:55

Well, Happy New Year to everyone. Here I am again, attempting to once again joining in and attempting to be part of fandom, as well as encouraging you all for whatever you have going on that brings you joy, and offering support for things that you're struggling with.

So, as for me this year, there have been a few changes. For one I got myself a 5 year old cat, that had been in 3 previous homes, and suffered some attacks by other animals in the home, as she has no claws to protect herself. She's a lovely grey and white, and came with some emotional and self care issues. But she's sweet and lovely and we're learning to get along together.

Fandom wise--was pretty much a bust for me. I posted one story throughout the entire year, back in April. I was pretty proud of it, but the rest of the HP community didn't view it in the same light. It was pretty much a bust in terms of feedback. Since then I've worked on four separate stories, but never ever did I finish any of them, not even enough to send for beta lookover.

Most of my time has been spent on Tumblr, which I still struggle with in regards to how best to connect with others. Most of my time is spent flipping though the posts and becoming more and more depressed, as the same group of 20 or so keep getting the same recs the same reblogging and the same commenting. Knowing that will never happen for me, is a bit of a serious downer. I even actively left fandom for most of the last quarter of 2021.

I am starting to look into other fandoms outside of Harry Potter. My newest obsession is "The Maze Runners" by James Dashner. Lots of lovely young men stuck in dangerous situations that require them to form bonds of support. There are also some decent films to watch as well as the books. Also still loving the Dark is Rising series, as well as Generation Kill. I love the Marvel movies, and enjoy some of the fic, but they just haven't completely pulled me in yet.

Anyone got other things fandom related that are bringing you love that you can point me to?

Wishing everyone all the best.

1st post of the new year.

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