
May 10, 2005 20:15

Life. Its a 4 letter word. Easy to read. It "seems" simple. HAHA thats the furthest thing its from...simple. I am everything BUT perfect. No where near it at all.
People talk.
and they talk.......
and they talk some more behind your back.....
then again we are all guilty........

Dont you miss those simple days where there was
no gossip,
no "groups"
no grades
no backstabbing
no hurt... but maybe falling and hurting yourself
Like Kindergarten or when you were younger.
BE YOUR SELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
These days I know for Many....MANY people there is complication
DOnt let anything ever stop you from doing YOUR "THANG"!!!!!!!
Well a word from Jen Jen. Any wayz Yo BEEZ i got my cell phone back WOOOOOOOOOOoooOooOoo....thats OooOber duper ~*sweet*~!!! So YA give me a RRRING ring!!!!!! The class Act Banquet was OoOOober kewl. Had Lots of FUN!!!! this friday is THE PLAY.......glimpses!!!! PLEEEAAASEEE GOOO!!!! We put up a big fight to have this play : )Aie well MEBE later i'll put up some awsome Pics that i tooked at da cLazz ZACT Banquizzit!!!!!! SEACREST OOooOOOUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ***
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