Links & Bookmarks - 7th October 2015

Oct 07, 2015 23:37

Something that my long distance sweetie tacit does occasionally is post links to articles and pages he finds interesting. I like this idea, so I think I'm going to steal it!

Here is a list of pages I have recently found interesting:

Activist type things

Polyday! Saturday 17th October 2015 :: London

This year's Polyday takes place in ten days time! Do you have your ticket? (I am speaking on at least one panel this year, 'Poly & the Media' about my media experiences, and would love to see folks there!)

Important discussion about sex worker rights happening in Scotland.
JEAN URQUHART MSP - Please take part in my consultation on a new sex work law
If you have studied or have any connection with sex work, please take a look at this consultation document. Important work is being done here to protect the rights of sex workers, and hard facts and data in the comments will be particularly useful. (Deadline December 1st)

Looks interesting: Writing fellowships on a feminist magazine.
Bitch Media, for almost 20 years an independent, nonprofit feminist media organization, is pleased to announce the Bitch Media Fellowships for Writers, a series of three-month intensive writing fellowships whose goal is to develop, support, and amplify emerging, diverse voices in feminist, activist, and pop-culture media. The program will be directed by Bitch cofounder Andi Zeisler.
Applicants must apply for one of four categories (reproductive rights and justice, pop-culture criticism, technology, and global feminism). Applicants may apply for more than one category, but must send separate applications for each one. If you are unavailable to accept a fellowship during a specific quarter next year, please make sure to include that information in your application.
(Deadline for Application: November 1, 2015)

Fantastic post on bisexual awareness
Marcus's post on 'Nonmonosexuality'
"What things, I asked, turned people on or off about others?"

"I started the chart off with a few suggestions, like "good teeth" and "snoring" and as the columns filled some things went in both columns, like "arrogance" and "sense of humour". When we got to the bottom of the sheet I turned to the room, and asked if they could tell me what was missing?"

...Can you say, without clicking on the link?

And lastly, but not least,

The UK Poly mailing list!

British poly folks, did you know there is a mailing list (email list) for everything related to polyamory and polyamorous people in the UK?

It is also sorely in need of more publicity because it is currently very hard to find in a google search. Please help us to get the word out by sharing this link!

Random interesting stuff

Mechanical music with Matthew Shotton and the Amazing B0rkestra

This fascinating video showing the construction of a tile-roof hut out of materials found within the nearby area.

The Anarchist Library

The Slow Watch. £200 seems like an awful lot of money for a watch with two of the hands removed, so I have been watching these for months hoping that the price would come down or they would introduce a cheaper version, but I think they are beautiful. Still waiting! #SlowerThanSlow

activism, shiny things, yay, polyday, polyamory, bisexuality, information, links

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