Ever put up a blog post and then realise only days later you've left out the most important part?
So I posted yesterday about the concept of
Self-Evident Epiphanies, but forgot what the burning reason I wanted to talk about it actually was
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I did try registering with a GP I'd had a recommendation for, who was apparently cool with sexuality and poly issues as well, but was turned away for not quite being in the 'catchment area'. D'oh.
The last couple of years I've simply found it easier to be a bit manipulative, treat them as automatons, feed in only the information that will get the treatment I already know I need, and wait for them to reach the conclusion I've already arrived with (On the few occasions I've actually been stumped, it's always meant a referral.). It's quicker, saves me having to spend ten minutes explaining my credentials every time, and doesn't end with us being cross at each other so often - they're always proud to have 'solved' the problem.
I have often fantasised about the idea of a 'competent patient' scheme, that allows you to bypass a GP for certain types of treatment given an appropriate level of understanding (which would of course be revoked if people demonstrated lack of judgement in their use of it). *sigh*
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