just breezing through...

Feb 05, 2019 22:29

...to say that I'm alive! And a college graduate, dammit! And oh, yeah, I got engaged in September, so that is a thing that's happening!!

Also, to say that I've been thinking a lot about Ye Olde Days of fandom, which for me was spent almost exclusively on LJ and ffnet. And all the friends I made here who subsequently vanished into the internet ether, never to be heard from again. Because, see, I still think about those people. I wonder how they're doing and why they disappeared, and sometimes I still kinda miss them.

So in the interest of not disappearing (especially since my LJ is actually less active than a ghost town lol), I thought I'd log back in and drop my other account names in case anyone's interested. Those of y'all who've been friends with me since, like, the Naruto days (like they ever ended amirite), if you wanna exchange Facebooks or anything just PM me! And whether I see you on another platform or not, I hope you're all doing well and having a wonderful start to 2019. <33

AO3: jinkandtherebels
Tumblr: itwasyummy
ffnet: SkywardShadow


irl, rambly musings

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