
Dec 13, 2005 15:33

The Twelve Days of Christmas
for emancipatingkay:
Day #Who?What they got you1stxallxforxlovexThe secret of fire2ndu_know_it05The key to the city of Atlantis3rdlovestruckiconsWhite tube socks4thxsmartxchicksxYour neighbour's welcome mat5thmidnightsrevengSome gloves that they stole from a homeless person6thkarlagrl18An apology - for life with them up until now7thu_know_it05A one way ticket to Siberia8thfrankojankoA get out of jail free card9thpurple_girl13A bracelet made of lucky charms10thredneckgenuis86320 year old wine11thsnickersbabygrlA rocket pack and a helmet12thletters4rmhomeA jock strapTake this Quiz at QuizGalaxy.com( or, take the 'adult' version at QuizUniverse.com )
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