Dec 10, 2005 01:30
I wanna know about your year! =)
1. One thing we did together that totally rocked! (or one thing you did with someone this year that rock...for friends who reside far away....)
2. Your favorite memory of the year.
3. Someone you got closer to that made your year totally kick ass!
4. One regret.
5. One thing you'll never forget.
6. Of course...your name....LOL...
7. Your favorite song of the year and why.
8. Favorite movie of the year and why.
9. What totally bummed you about this year.
10. Lyrics you think reflect our friendship (or of your current b/f or g/f...if you aren't residing here).
11. Someone you lost yourself in this year.
12. Someone you wish you were closer to.
13. Someone you wish you could apologize to.
14. Something about your job that makes you smile (or something about school/wherever).
15. What would you like to accomplish in the new year.
16. Your favorite Christmas ever.
17. One memory that makes you sad.
18. The perfect Christmas gift.
19. What in your life makes you happy?
20. One thing you love doing that you don't think anyone else does.
Enjoy!!! =)