Aug 09, 2005 23:04
Okay first, I must tell the story of the stolen wallet. It goes something like this:
Last Saturday I worked a double that ended up turning into a hellaciously long volume shift. I got to work a little before 10:30AM and didn't manage to get a break until 3:30PM. I sat down for 10 minutes to eat a sandwich. After I ate I got my wallet and paid for my meal on credit. I had two dollars in my pocket, and while that covered my meal, it wouldn't cover a tip for the bartender, and I don't like to eat at the bar without tipping the bartender. So I paid for my meal, got my wallet, and put it back in my purse under the host stand. I've done this a hundred times at least. Shortly thereafter, we got busy and didn't slow down again until 8:30PM. At this point they started cutting people, and I SHOULD have been cut, but they cut everybody besides me and made me close! I'd been on the clock over 12 hours and I had to close. I was pissed off beyond belief, and I let more than a few people know it. Well, at 11PM, I finally got to count down the drawer. I cried the whole last hour of my shift because I was very tired and I was in some serious pain. At 11:15 I finally clocked out. All I wanted to do was go home and go to bed, but when I went to get my purse, my wallet wasn't in there. I immediately looked on the floor around the hoststand. My wallet had fallen out before and usually it was just right there, but it wasn't. I then started looking through the host stand. It wasn't in any of the shelves, so I thought maybe I had left it at the bar. It wasn't at the bar. I had Kristin check in the office and wasn't there. I went back up front and searched the whole to-go stand, the cabinets at the front of the house and then the host stand again. I put my hands into every nook and cranny of the host wallet wasn't there. I called my mom sobbing on the phone, and she told me to come on home. Meanwhile, most of the closing servers are still looking up front. Once I got home I called the police and filed a police report.
Fast forward to the next day. I've already cancelled my credit card and am going to cancel other important cards (Target and Blockbuster...yes you can do damage on a Blockbuster card) when my mom calls me to tell me that they had found my wallet. This was around 2:45PM. I immediately went over to work (I had to work at 4PM anyway), got my wallet, checked everything, and found that nothing was missing. Big sigh of relief. The 10:30 hostess says that she found the wallet first thing in the morning laying in plain sight under the host stand. It didn't make much sense and the time, but I was just so happy to have my wallet back that I didn't care. Once I got home, it started to dawn on me how fishy the whole situation really was. The 10:30 hostess Sunday morning supposedly found the wallet in plain sight when she came in, but didn't bother to call me until 3PM? Everybody knew I was looking for that wallet, so why didn't they call me earlier? The wallet was in a place where it easily could have by found, even if I was tired. Then there was the fact that the hostess who found my wallet told my mother, frankly and without prompting, that "well nobody here would have taken it." I heard that a lot more when I got to work, and then there was one particularly smug server who hosted the night before who took certain pleasure in the fact that she was sure I had just overlooked it.
Point of it all is this: my wallet was stolen by somebody at my place of employment as some sort of joke on me. I have a good idea about who did it (see above smug server/hostess), but I'm not gonna name names, because today was my last day and it wasn't worth the hassle.
Anyway, moving on to other things, a lot of things have made me happy lately, and I thought I'd list them:
My Zoe kitty...she's much better and is actually more energetic than before she got sick
Ben Folds "Songs for Silverman"...particularly the last 30 seconds of "Landed" the most amazing feeling to drive down Corridor J and see the blue sky and the mountains and listen to that song
Hanging out with Laura...this hasn't happened yet but I'm excited about getting to hang out with her in I'm going to help her quit smoking...yeah for being healthy!
Power Tools!
My mommy...I love her!
Wild n' Out. This may be my new laugh venue since it seems that Chappelle's Show may never return.