Bad Freaking Karma

Jun 06, 2006 06:31

I've been having bad luck with my little sunshine of a car. It failed inspection- I fixed it, didn't take it back in for inspection until about two weeks ago, but I had to get a $140 "failure to make repairs" ticket to finally make me get there before work and just deal with the hassle. The week before it just stalled out right at the light across the street from my work, on the day I drive to the Montgomery County branch. AAA towed it back to NJ for way too much money. Bad Karma, but I still love that little Volvo.

Yesterday- I got a real kick in the pants.

I stayed in Philly because I had to observe the SLP at Jefferson yesterday. I hate driving to Center City because parking is a real bitch and it isn't really convenient to take the subway from Ben's place to Jefferson. So I walked it because I think it's a nice walk and I don't mind the exercise. So I go to Jefferson- get my observation on. Take the Broad Street line up to Temple U. because I have three clients in the afternoon on Monday. Get my Speech Therapy on- Ben gets off work- we run some errands go back to his place. Get out of the car- his neighbor flags me down and says, "Emily, someone broke into your car. They hit 4 or 5 cars last night and your's was one of them". GREAT!

So they smashed by back window in. Couldn't take my CD player out but they stole all of my CD's. And I had just  put my entire CD collection in my car. I lost all of my Beatles (which I finally got on CD), Joni Mitchell, Weezer, Fugees, Lauryn Hill, my Motown- everything. The only thing that remains is my Aretha CD which was in the player and my box set of Simon and Garfunkel that Ben got me for my birthday, because I didn't put them in my CD book yet.

The night before I totally had a bad feeling- almost brought my CD's into Ben's apartment that night, but I talked myself out of it, because he has like a gizzillion cd's and I told myself I was being irrational. Actually looked out the window at my car in the middle of the night because I had a bad feeling. The poor little Volv.

When I made the police report ,the cop said the insurance company might gve me back $10 per CD. which would be fabulous. This whole thing will still be a huge pain in the ass, but I can deal if I get money back for my collection.

These people are totally getting the evil eye man. Screw them.
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