If ever you wanted to hear me sounding like a goofy mama or if you ever wanted to see a video of my lil Lukas smiling (and can we say almost giggling) during a silly game, then you must by all means download
this. It shows a little pacifier game that Lukas and I play. You must know by watching this that he seems to really hate pacifiers because he never keeps them in his mouth. Because of that, I'm always having to put them back in and discovered that he thinks it is a game. Out of that grew this game. Of course though, by the time I thought of grabbing the camera, he lasted for only a few more trys before getting tired of it. But if you watch, you can see that he's still smiling at the beginning of the video with a pacifier hanging drunkenly from his mouth. Plus, who ever gets tired of watching a lil baby grin from ear to ear? Not I :).
Again you can download here:
http://www.outofthevoid.net/lukasgame.wmv It never fails to amuse me :).