before I was in HR, I used to hear it was best to just apply even if you weren't qualified. here's the thing. If you don't have the minimum qualifications, not the desired stuff, but the minimum stuff, we don't even look at you. if it says you need a degree, chances are, we aren't going to take a non-degreed person unless you have like 30 years of experience. Also, we really do look at things like grammar and spelling on your resume and cover letter. we mock you if they are bad. We look for manners. if you treat your recruiter like crap, chances are you will treat your co-workers that way. Above all else, make contacts. half the people we hire know someone who knows someone. they don't get pref treatment per se, but they know when a job comes available. Let me know if you have specifics you would like answered or if I can help with anything else, but yeah, you got some bad advice. I don't know where they work, but most people (not just HR people) get a little annoyed if someone walks into their office without an appointment and wants something. The thing is, we are all REALLY busy. HR people, managers, workers and already have a million meetings. So that is probably why you got the sighs and eye rolls.
Well one of the people who gave me the advice was my Mom. She was in HR for about 20 years and became the Vice President of a major steamship company. I have mentioned to her that the world isn't the same as it was when she started out in HR and that things have changed. Now I have proof they indeed have. She saw it as initiative. Now it's just annoying. :D Thank you for the heads up. Luckily I am now my MOM! :D
I realized it after I posted it. I mocked myself for it, don't worry. I reply via email rather than going into LJ, so I frequently miss spellcheck :( and I am not the best at proofing my own work, apparently. But this is a little less critical than say, a resume.
and things really have changed a lot in the work place in the last 20 years. A lot. They have in the last 10 since I have been in offices, I know that.
and things really have changed a lot in the work place in the last 20 years. A lot. They have in the last 10 since I have been in offices, I know that.
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