it's creeping up slowly....shit...I just opened spoilery pics for lost. I feel the need to know least I didn't go to a big spoilery picture. I just looked at them miniturized......must seek out spoilers...must be spoiled.....uh oh....mouse hand has directed self to
voodoo_in_tx page...must not look...must click spoilers...sheesh, I clicked and do I know anything more? Nope....Ema is directing hand to The Fuselage. No Ema!!!! Must not go to spoilery section! Must not read Spoilers!....oh, but we must! Did not spoiling the last two episodes make them any better? I didn't think so. So stop whining bitch, time to be spoiled.....
*eyes widened*
OMG, I know too much!
*mind boggles*