Mar 30, 2011 10:17
Я его обожаю. Живет своей жизнью. Искуственный разум в деле. Снова Disaster Recovery.
UPD. После восстановления с бекапа обеих нод кластер все-таки не заработал. На команду net start clussvc получаю ошибку 1067. ResetQuorumLog и NoQuorumLogging не помогло.
c:\winnt\profiles\student>fcc_integrate other
Are you sure to execute fcc_integrate? [Y/N]:y
Examines, whether the other node has started!
The name of the other node = TSTBSC0B
The other node is accessible
Stop the cluster service on the other node: ok
Initialize the rebuilding of the mirrors: ok
Start the cluster service on the other node: ok
Command "fcc_integrate" was completed successfully
c:\winnt\profiles\student>prcstate -l
active node is up and working
passive node is up and working