University of Portland

Sep 11, 2004 19:39

Welcome to the world turned upside-down. Portland is great, last night the whole school turned out for a women's soccer game and watched fireworks, today everyone in my hall is on this river rafting trip and I'm doing lots or fun homework, and I'm dead serious this homework is actually really really fun, everything up here is new to me. THere is a lot of political division in my school, the College Young Republicans are extremely active! I've written something that I'm going to submit to our school paper and after dinner I'm signing up for some community service volunteering.
The work here is SUPER GNARLY! Every class has me doing about 3 hours of hw just to stay afloat, I'm not getting as much sleep as i'd like to, hence me working on a beautiful saturday afternoon. Modern Foriegn Governments has to be the greatest thing on earth, even though it is also my hardest class, and philosophy is rocking the house. Since the class only has 30 people I get to know my Proff, Dr. Martin and I think she likes me.
Now as for running, yeah I'm getting the shit kicked out of me. These guys think that an 12 miles at 6 minute mile pace is really easy and they are all about 10-20 lbs lighter than me so they can just go for miles without feeling a thing. I'm trying to hold my own and work on individual improvement instead of team ranking, nonetheless it's kind of discouraging to see someone break your Wharf to Wharf personal best in a change of pace workout.
I've been a little too busy to venture out into the city, but next week is Rock Against Bush in Portland at the Crystal Ballroom and I get to see Anti-FLag with my friend Danny from down the hall.
People laugh if you say the word stoked, or gnarly and I've been trying to use lots of great bro language to make the ladies giggle and my teammates go "what the hell did he just say?" It's really fun because it rubs off on people, already my team uses the word trek, and barge. Such funny north westerners. Well I've got to go eat some dinner and finish up the rest of this chapter in my textbook, French Politics beckons, and that sucks for me.

I miss all of you guys, please come up whenever you can. plan a trip and I will make sure that it is a great weekend. my number up here is (503) 943-1261, I'd love to hear a familiar voice.
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