(no subject)

Apr 08, 2007 20:26

Oh, dear. Apparently the stylistic errors in my last post were so glaring that they distracted all who read it from the fact that I was talking about seeing my brother when in fact I'm an only child. I believe magicians refer to this as "diversion".

Marilyn busted Bill and me in the hallway again. *sigh* He's on nights until the end of this month, but the custody battle is over, and after that, he's gone back to days. He didn't even get his own pony or a hot young trophy step-boss out of the deal, and I don't think he gets to come back on nights every other weekend plus Jewish holidays, either.

Things I have learned: fake tears or their possibility work wonders on my boss (as does the line "My kitty has an ultrasound appointment."); however, neither blushing fetchingly at gasps of "You're so slim!" nor bribes consisting primarily of chocolate will dissuade the female reviewers from charging me an error, although the middle-aged men are much nicer about stuff like that.

I have a new nickname at the Lezzie Farm. Mandee decided that having three Jens was too confusing, and asked whether I had any nicknames. "None that I wish to repeat," I replied, because I really don't feel like hearing "Hey, K-Y!" or "Fatso!" every time someone wants something coded. We had a somewhat convoluted exchange, and she has decided that my new nickname is...are you ready, folks?...Lolita. "It suits you so well!" she squealed in a tone normally reserved for when someone brings a baby into the office, thereby attracting the attention of the rest of the department. She explained what had just transpired to them, while I cowered in my corner trying desperately to cover my reddening cheeks with my hands and cursing their smallness. It's funny, though: although everyone there is aware of the popular connotation of the name (Cari: "It sounds kind of...racy."), no one is aware of its origin.


Although it's rare for me to make literary recommendations that aren't Nabokov (still...go read him. He's great!), I must say I'm in love with the uproariously hilarious, deliciously irreverent, maddeningly addictive works of Christopher Moore. I may have gotten more out of Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal if I were familiar with the Bible, but I know who Jesus was, so I was good. You Suck and Bloodsucking Fiends are good, too, and I've just started A Dirty Job, which will be my lunch companion for a while.

Annnnd, I made makivnyk Friday with moderate success. Go me!
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