Husband and Wife

May 01, 2008 22:05

Husband and Wife
Originally uploaded by The Crobinator Hey, gang! I haven't finished yet, but I have 50 photos of 175 already up. Because my family is mostly Picasa-inclined, that's where I have them right now. I'll put them up on Flickr when all are done and I have the strength to do more captions. :-) To see them on Picasa, go here and enjoy.

I loved my wedding. I'm so happy so many people were able to make it. And I'm slowly working my way through thank you cards, etc. Charles had two interviews the Monday and Tuesday after the wedding, and we found out a week or two ago that he'll be a full time professor of philosophy - finally! No more adjuncting for this genius! So we'll be moving our married, pregnant butts to Harrisburg, PA in the summer.

Just when we thought we could put our legs up, sit back, and focus on baby - we gotta move. Aye! But we're happy as can be.

I'm 21 weeks along. Healthy (20 pounds healthier to be exact), and super excited. I'll write more later. Promise!

Hugs and hellos to everybody!
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