Дорогие жители города Х!
Две новости - хорошая и... хорошая.
Во-первых, мы направили в ваш славный город делегацию от нашей семьи - надо провести инспекцию, что там у вас происходит. Делегация пробудет в Х до 15 числа. По всем вопросам обращаться к
Вторая новость. Наш отчет об ивенте
"Красный шатер" имел большой резонанс. Матери всего мира хотели поучаствовать в этом событии, но повезло только женщинам города Х. Домашняя акушерка, у которой я училась,
Pat, заведует остроумно названной организацией
BIRTH, что расшифровывается "Bringing Information and Resources to Houston". И вот они скоро устраивают Красный шатер, а именно на Labor Day Weekend (так они решили это дело переосмыслить).
По моим сведениям, в дружественных кругах города Х как раз намечается небывалый в истории Х родильный бум. Так что не пропустите, товарищи беременные, матери и бабушки! Информация под катом.
Press Release
Childbirth is a peak experience in our lives. No matter our age, we never forget
our birth and we carry the feelings about our births throughout our life. It can
be a powerful, life-changing event which is joyful and empowering. It can also,
to our health care system, be disappointing and hurtful. It is good for us to
our birth stories, because through our sharing we can heal, and we can educate
to allow and facilitate change to happen.
BIRTH (Bringing Information and Resources To Houston - www.houbirth.org) is
to be the Houston sponsor of Birth, a play by Karen Brody, which tells the
of eight powerful women giving birth in America today. Birth is part of the BOLD
(Birth On Labor Day) movement, a global effort to make maternity care
Houston performances of Birth will be held at Midtown Art Center, located at
LaBranch at Holman, Houston, TX 77004 on:
- Friday, August 31 at 7:00 p.m.
- Saturday, September 1 at 7:00 p.m.
- Sunday September 2 at 2:00 p.m.
- Red Tent Event following at 6:00 p.m.
- Monday, September 3 at 1:00 p.m.
Tickets to the performances are $15 each and are available online at
Following the Sunday performance, we are holding a BOLD Red Tent Event - an
for women and men to share their birth stories. This event is from 6:00 pm to
p.m. Entrance fee is $5, to be paid at the door, cash only please.
Submit your birth story to be read (or you can read it yourself) at this BOLD
Tent Event:
- Birth stories must be between 800-1200 words.
- Birth stories are submitted without payment.
- All stories must have occurred in the United States in the last five years.
- Include your name, contact information, and your child's name and date of
- The deadline to receive your birth story is August 25, 2007.
5-7 stores will be selected and read, either by the submitter or by someone
Audience discussion will follow.
Please submit your story to birthcare@aol.com [mailto:birthcare@aol.com]or mail
P.O. Box 541144, Houston, Texas, 77254. Please call 832-344-6060 with any
BEBOLD this Labor Day Weekend!
BIRTH - Bringing Information & Resources to Houston