Mar 29, 2009 13:56
So, I forgot to post last week, but all that really happened was that I quit the catalogue job. Not because it was hard or boring or bad money, I was fine with that, in fact, I quite enjoyed walking and getting some excersise. No, I quit because every day I was getting told off by my parents at least once about how stupid I am for doing such a dumb job. Now, after I've quit, at least it's only on Saturdays I'm getting told off, but because now I have no job and apparently that makes me stupid. *sigh*, you can never win.
This week I was being pretty slack at uni, for some reason I just really didn't want to be there at all. Probably being evacuated twice didn't help! Stupid. And we had a student-lecturer meeting which all the students went to and no lecturers. Which was lame because it was our lunch break and I was hungry. I've been bugging Cale all week for a picture of this hat and he hasn't gotten me one. I really home when it comes to the fitting Cale tells Ingrid that the stupid bonnet thing she made me make isn't what he wants and it makes her look like a douche, not a pope. Sure it's historically correct, but he's designed a stylised costume, and really the most important thing is the audience being able to recognise her as the pope, not going "she wouldn't have worn that in 500AD! Historical incorrectness!"
Don't get me wrong, I like Ingrid, she's way better than Mandy, but she's a bit rude sometimes. I'm not so sure that we can just make stuff without asking the designer first, but she's all like "the design is wrong, it should be like this" and changes it. It's a bit worrying.
I'm very much over uni. I feel like I'm way behind, even though I'm way in front. I'm very much looking forward to my week off in two weeks. I'm just so tired all the time, and I'm sick of waking up at 7 and spending two hours in my car every day, just too and from uni. It's exhausting. I wish I just had a 9-5 Monday to Friday job where I didn't have to do anything on the weekends and I got paid regually. Thats all I want. None of this late nights, unknown hours, working for free crap. Sure, working on films and shows is great fun, but it's hardly a way to make a living.
I've planned it out. I'll finish uni this year, and spend the next year or two working part time and studying something at TAFE - fashion and textiles or something like that. Then I'll work full time or part time, with working on films with Gary and whatnot, see where it takes me. I'll save most of my money over this time, so by 2013 I'll be able to buy a place of my own. Obviously live in it for a year and then rent it out, because then Alex can buy a place, getting the first home awse grant, and we'll both be living and working, paying off the mortgages with our income and the rent. Sometime around there we'll get married and whatnot, probably in 2014 ;) but thats my plan, haha. After we're all good with everything I'll start concentrating on my fashion label with Amy, Flamingo Custard, which before then would have been a little internet business of tote bags and skirts, made to order. Now we can go into bigger and better things! yay!
Not forgetting the secondment to Ireland (fingers crossed) at the end of 2009, shopping trip to Japan in 2010, Rollercamp 2010, and international theatre festival in Prague 2011.
So, I've pretty much got my life planned out until I'm 26. Yay! At least I have direction :)
Here's hoping the'll be something to talk about next week.