Happy [Belated] New Years!

Jan 03, 2011 16:24

Fuck yeah, 2011!

Last two days I was without internet, and today was catching up on sleep from New Years party, so well wishes to everyone on Livejournal!

I never really got behind New Years Resolutions, because they always seemed to fail from over-ambition or sheer impracticality, but I made some anyway this year. After feeling so awful about myself and after every single shitty thing that happened in the last five months, I really can't stand the thought of continuing that through the next twelve. I need to do more with my time - not only because of wasting a lot of money and lot of energy, but because I just miss producing and consuming creative things.

So for 2011, I'm going to read more, and I'm going to create more. Art, writing, cosplay, rp, or whatever, I'm just sick of lying around not feeling able to do anything, and having nothing to show for my time.

On the topic of rp - I've never played before, but some friends have convinced me to try and join the game their in. Any advice for complete a newbie?

And anybody else have resolutions they want to share?


holiday cheer, fuck yeah, scriptorium

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