Persona 2: Innocent Sin - Done

Oct 17, 2010 01:32

Having literally beaten it three seconds ago (as in, the credits are rolling as I type this), my first impressions really are - it wasn't as hard as I expected, even if the Great Father is a cheating bastard, and fuck the ending.

Yeah, I knew what to expect at the Core of Xibala*, having been spoiled by the SMT Wiki and Dressing Room chats, but still. I'm really reminded of P3's ending, in that - despite knowing it doesn't happen - I expected them to say "I remember" at the very end. Its a rather uplifting end note right after basically genocide and a retcon of the entire game. I say retcon in that, as a fanfic author, I really enjoy playing with characters after their stories are over, and this game does not allow you to write post-game fic without going into EP territory**. Its why I was mad as all hell when Minato died, but why I love that Souji got to leave; here, the world is gone, character relationships are reset, and if I write fic which I probably will, maybe I'm given that narrow timeline to work in, or else go AU.

I'm not bashing it, by any means. I'll do a formal write-up/review of it at some point soon, but the short version is, well, I loved it. What a shock. Well worth the 60 some hours I sank into it, even if by the end at least 10 was just monotonous grinding for cards I never used and levels I didn't need.

Nylarathrope quickly grabbed a spot on Top Villains for me, both because I am a Lovecraft dweeb and also because I do love me some omnipotent bastards.

And I'm really, really glad you could punch Philemon.

*Even though it was completely hilarious how Ideal just sort of popped in out of nowhere to say "Hi, I'm here to rain on your parade, stab".
**Am I making sense? Probably not. Its 1:30 AM.

Finally, very, very happy I chose to beat this before going back to classes, and on to Eternal Punishment!


go to bed, persona 2

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