
May 17, 2005 17:58

::: ME :::
- time started: 5.59 pm
- first name: Emily
- middle name: Marie
- last name: Carbajall
- nicknames: too many to name. curently: Genovive
- sex: female
- Star sign: Aries
- birthday: March 27
- siblings: 1, Jennifer. ahaha
- hair color: light brownish blond color
- eye color: brown
- height: 4'11
- piercing: ears
- tattoos: no, but i want one. on my wrist

::: DO YOU :::
- like the taste of alcohol: yeah, it depends though
- have a crush: UMM HELLL YEAH.
- have a boyfriend/girlfriend: i wish, maybe soon
- talk to strangers:
- hate yourself: not all the time
- hate people: "hate" no "dislike" yess
- sleep with a stuffed animal: yess i do and it is bob the builder =).
- like school: no, but I like being with my friends.
- do you believe in magic: kind of. i think this girl in my class has powers :/. lol kc, maria, danielle, candace, sam && everbody els.
- believe in astrology: isnt that the stars?
- believe in ghosts: not really
- have secrets: who dosnt?
- want to go to college: yeah
- wish on stars: sometimes
- sing in the shower: haha, yes sometime and i sing beautifuly ;)
- like sarcasm: not when my teachers do it
- go to church: at school
- hate your parents: hmm, sometimes
- like to be yourself: yeah
- take a shower everyday: no, NEVER. ;) jp.
- think you're attractive: not really
- want to get married: mmh, YEAH
- pull your hair: when i get really mad
- share a room: at my dads, yes. at my moms, no.
- write poems: for creative writing, when i have to.
- write songs: tried to.
- get motion sickness: nope
- like thunderstorms: no

::: THIS OR THAT :::
- coke or Pepsi: coke
- coffee or tea: either
- hug or kiss: i like both =)
- TV or computer: either
- email or aim: aim
- rose or lily: rose
- math or history: neither
- sweet or sour: sweete
- club or house party: house party
- drink or shot: drink
- beer or shot: beer
- match or lighters: match, they amuse me
- single or group dates: theyre both fun =)
- day or night: night
- heaven or hell: heaven!!
- make love or fuck: hmmmm.
- Swiss cheese or American: american
- gold or silver: silver
- punk or emo: i hate lables, but i guesse punk.
- hot or cold: medium
- dark or light: dark
- read or watch TV: watch TV, i dont read
- spring or autumn:spring
- winter or summer: summer
- operas or plays: neither. their both a little boring
- cds or tapes: cds
- DVDs or vhs: dvds
- old or new: new
- Mexican food or Chinese food: mexican all the way. i hate chineeses
- commercials or infomercials: ...
- cars or trucks: cars
- passionate kiss or peck: both =)
- back rub or foot massage: back rub
- chocolate milk or hot chocolate: chocolate milk
- ocean or pool: their both cool, but i guesse pool b/c thier cleaner.

::: FAVORITE... :::
- color: pink,black,blue
- type of music: all kinds really
- TV show: right now, idk what im watching
- movie: The Incredibles =)
- song: Dontcha =) lol kasey and maria
- band: green day, good charlotte, simple plan.
- day of the week: fridayy
- month: too many
- radio station: 104 and 93.3, esp. RADIO DISNEY =). b97s mean. but i still listen to it
- cartoon: hmm
pizza topping: cheese
- Disney character: RAFIKKI & EEYORE, but mostly RAFIKKI =) lol kewly and jennifer
- magazine: seventeen
- season: isnt summer a season?
- person to talk to online: anyone

- been in love: yes
- lied: yeah
- given someone a bath: my doggy :-P
- bungee jumped: nope, im scared of hights
- broken the law: nahh
- cut your own hair: yeah and it looked bad
- stalked someone: no
- fought with your parents: yes
- been sarcastic: all the time, lol
- talked to someone: umm, yeah
- hugged someone: like everybody.
- laughed until you cried: yeah, with jen and kewly. at taco tico. =)
- drank: yeah
- been so drunk you blacked out: not yet
- skipped school: yeah, my mom took me to the mall
- kept a secret from everyone: my secrets, no i tell everybody.
- wanted to hook up with a friend: yep
- got into a fight: yeah, kelli. haha
- thought of killing someone: not litterly
- thought of killing yourself: no
- gone skinny dipping: i want to. seems like it would be fun
- been on TV: yeah, in third grade and i said george bush. haha lauren.
- been on the radio: yes, too maney times.
- loved someone so much it made you, yeah
- been on an airplane: yepp
- came close to dying: yess, yesterday
- cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend: yeah, but it was in 5th grade and ive changed.
- snuck out of the house at night: yes with jennifer and courtney and we went to some boys house and markey was there .
- felt like you didn’t belong: yeah
- felt like the third wheel: yeah
- been arrested: nope
- won a bet: yeah
- kissed in the rain: i want too
- asked a friend for relationship advice: yeah, all the
- had a friend steal your boyfriend: i wouldent exactly say "steal"
- watched the sunset or sunrise with someone you love: i hope to
- had 2 wear a uniform to work: i dont work.
- bowled a perfect game: no, i stink at bowling 8)
- failed a class: yes, last year

- Valentine's Day: couples
- death: HORRIBLE.
- suicide: theres cooler ways to die
- murder: if yu think its right you need help.
- threesomes: haha, not going to say
- politics: hate it
- cloning: STUPID
- Britney and Madonna kissing: thats their buisness

- play with Barbie’s: yes, i gave them horible haircuts two.
- own treasure trolls: yeah. they scare me though
- play Simon: yep
- watch fraggle rock: whats that?
- were you shy: ME SHY? NOPEE
- were you spoiled: just a little :-P
- were you abused: no
- in a car accident: yeah two but they werent bad. nobody got hurt.
- build a snowman: no if this christmas counts then yes
- did you cry when you scraped your knee: yeah
- did you think slinkys were cool: they amuse me =p
- were your older cousins mean to you: sometimes
- believe in Santa: OHH YEAHH ;)
- were you scared of the dark: YESS.
- did you have slumber parties: yeah, they were all funn.

- believe in aliens: no
- name 3 things next 2 your desk: a phone, papers for my project, and a drink.
- do you have any hidden talents: if there hidden how would i know about them?
- do others think your good looking: i dont ask
- are you afraid of roller coasters: depends which ones, all the ones i have ridden so far were fun
- won a pool table: YESS =)
- do you have a pool: yes
- do you like chocolate: yes
- what’s on your calendar: idk
- how many states have you been in: umm, not alot
- ever wished on a shooting star: yes
- best Halloween costume you ever wore: britney spears. haha - Kelli and Jennifer

- wearing: a T-Shirt and pink soffes
- watching: idk
- listening to: my typing
- eating: nothing
- drinking: snowball =p
- thinking: a boy
- wanting: him
- loving: him
- time ended: 6:34 pm
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