Nov 10, 2008 04:48
Yep, the monster is back on A shorter chapter, actually just the part in the Town. It was SUPPOSED to be part of the whole of chapter 13. However the Town plays with the trio's heads timewise, and it was too confusing having it in with normal timed other Narnia. It was a dark chapter, but neccessary. I'm getting a lot of calls for suspian fluff... there's a bit that's fluffy on ch 14, but mostly political and actiony.
I've been wanting to bitch about this for awhile, but have been too polite to. However, I'm pretty tired of people felling like they are allowed to berate me for not updating on their own personally approved timelines. Hate to break it too you folks, but RL does happen. For everyone who was sweet and nice and patient, thanks. :)
*steps off soap box*
Anyway, the Town part wasn't fun to write and therefore I didn't write it until now. Think it was depressing to read? Imagine sitting there in that all day writing it. Yeck. But ch 14 is 60% done. My brains starting to get back in this fandom, so maybe I'll be able to get it out soon. Meh. Gotta go to work.