Big Bang is taking over my life. Not literally, obviously, but all my writing time is going into that. It's no bad thing really, I love the story that I've started and I have lots of thoughts on it etc, but November feels like a long way away, you know? Still, we got these new pictures, and oh. Oh. JOC that thing you do, is it for real? (Also, LOL GRANNY.)
My BB (well, I'm doing two, but the one I'm writing at the moment almost exclusively) is ensemble, but Cook centric, and these pics are total brain food right now. You know that saying, a picture says a thousand words? Well I've just spent about 4,000 trying to sum up these first two.
I will be spending the next million trying to explain this:
How?! How exactly are there words for that. Urg. Sometimes I love writing, because it can be so expressive, and then I hate it because it can be so limiting at the same time.
Also, also. Can we pretend for just one moment that Emily isn't a lesbian and didn't have sex with JJ as a charity case, and that it was wrong on so many levels? Ok good. Look how adorable:
Please tell me I'm not alone here?!
On another note, BB anyone? John James/Josie - yes? I love them. Love them. And now it's all going to go tits up. I do not want it to go tits up.