Feb 04, 2005 14:05
a runner is something you become through initiation of pain and suffering, and once you got it, it never goes away. you never forget the pounding of your blood, of pavement and trails and grass and soft rubber, of millions of tracks, getting lost, purposely getting lost, shin splints, bad knees, side cramps, burning lungs, tight hamstrings, wobbly legs, mud covered shirts, stretching, stretching, and more stretching, gatorade, starting lines, starting guns, the block, screwing in shoe spikes, safety pins, masses of people all panting together, sweat dripping into your eyes, snot dripping down your face, the feel of spandex, tight sportsbras, new shoes, knee braces, orthotics, bengay, ice packs, ice storms, neverending rain, sunny days, beating heat, lungs bursting, back solid, legs pounding, arms perfectly bent, the trail, the race, the road, the pace, the high.
*Haha, wow thats beautiful...