Is it normal to be changing moods constantly? The big question... AND ranting on The Hills. haha.

Dec 17, 2007 20:18

Seriously. Is that normal, to be happy and perky one sec, and then to be depressed and moody/pissed the next? I'm like that all the time, though. Mostly when I'm on the forum or online, though. Cause I'm reminded of how much it annoys....


Haven't I done that already? Anyhow. But yeah.... must be a me thing.  Or, you know, it doesn't just happen when I'm on the forum.... it happens a lot, when I'm at school in certain classes [UGH Ruffner!], or at my mom's, or at home... jeez...

Anyhow, off that topic, I was catching up on The Hills in keyboarding as usual, watching old episodes and I watched this one, called "Drama at the Opera," and anyone who watches The Hills can tell that Spencer is a freakin' idiot and Heidi deserves better. But after watching this season, my opinion on her has basically changed. And you know what, if she's going to sit there and defend him when we all know that HE is the one who started those rumors about Lauren, then forget her. She has been such a sucky friend to Lauren, and Audrina if you wish to include her as well. UGH I hope Lauren doesn't forgive her... but then again, there's not that big of a chance of that, is there?

Because as she said to Heidi, "All there's left to do is forgive and forget. So I want to forgive you, and I want to forget you."

Anyhow... I don't know if I can embed a vid or not, so I'll give you the link to the "fight" between Stephanie [Spencer's sister] and Lauren/Audrina/Brody/Frankie at the Opera...

Gawd, I don't have a life, do I? Geez...

Anyhow, I'm off to eat fattening cookies... toodles.
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