Feb 05, 2008 19:32
Alrighty... I'm going to start off by stating that it's FINALLY Super Tuesday! And as I expected, Obama is winning the southern states, but everyone knew that was going to happen. Anyhow.
You know what I'm sick of? Republicans saying they're tired or Democrats saying the war in Iraq is retarded. Uhm... HELLO? Anyone in the heads of those retards? Meaning the Republicans, of course. In cse you forgot or didn't know, the governmen is spending $80 billion a month on the war. Not MILLION. BILLION. Which is ridiculous because that money could go to better causes, such as problems that are occuring here at home. Mkay, yeah, I'm being harsh, but to refresh the minds of the people who are convinced that the war in Iraq is a good thing, here's another fact: the United Nations specifcally told Bush NOT to go in, but did he listen? Noooo. Of course. Shocker. Bush is a retard. And while I'm at it, there was NO reason to go into Iraq in the first place. Weapons? Yeah, Saddam had them. HAD. As in, when Bush invaded, we found NOTHING. Not to even mention that we're invading another country and changing their entire government and forcing democracy on them. For crying out loud, if you're going to invade a country, at least let them have say in what government THEY want. It's not YOUR country, Bush. It's THEIRS. Mkay? Got it? So if you INSIST on invading, let the peopl have a say, alrighty?
UGH I wanted to say more but my headache made me forget. Grrreeeaaattt.
Anyhow--I'm out to study the Supet Tesday results! Go Hillary! <333