WOW.... Soooo much has happened

Sep 18, 2007 13:58

So... I was thinking.. I wonder if live journal is still up and running-I guess so! lol. I haven't been on here in 93 weeks according to lj hahaha.  So much has happened and its insane!  I graduated high school... went through my freshman year of college... and am now beginning my sophomore year!

Yes... I'm still playing softball. I pitch for the Tiffin University Dragons and I absolutely love it here!

I've realized that its not the quantity of friends but the quality of the ones you keep. And yes... it really is true when people say you won't talk to all of your high school friends once you graduate.

The love life.... Went through some ups and downs along the way but with the help of friends and family I got over them. 
For the past 7 months I have been with the most wonderful guy I could imagine... :)  Bradley <3

Life's a little crazy right now,  my sister ... excuse me... pregnant sister lol... lives in Texas and theres some family stuff going on, but its nothing I cant get through with the help of Brad.  Keeping busy with classes, practice, and work...

Until Later...
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