Well, the roleplaying clock in my head has recently struck the hour of "Glorantha" so I have been busily rereading "Thunder Rebels", "Storm Tribes" and the rest of my admittedly meager supply of Glorantha related materials.
I have long wanted to do a bit of roleplaying in Glorantha - my one experience with the game came long ago when my friend James ran a few games. I played a Humakti and rolled appallingly well on my stats. I don't remember a lot about the character, save that he was unbelieveably good with weapons and had no less than 5 geases from Humakt - one of which was that he couldn't lie. This last managed to wreck the entire campaign at a very early date. I think we were in Pavis, and the GM set us up to get framed for fighting in the city. Some noble youth set upon us, there was a fight, I killed three of them, and we got arrested and were dragged before a court which consisted of several Humakti judges. We said our piece, the noble youth said theirs, and the judged pronounced that they couldn't decide who was telling the truth and who wasn't - whereupon I pointed out my geas from Humakt prevented me from lying. The GM said that it was impossible for the judges to confirm this to be true, but I said all they had to do was ask Humakt (which is entirely possible, and not even particularly difficult in Glorantha, particularly for seasoned Humakt devotees, which the judges were).
James never ran another game. My Humakti had killed the campaign before it began. Humakti are very good at killing things, so I guess this should be no surprise. I have pretty clear memories of it as the first (and, I hope, last) occasion where I single-handedly wrecked a campaign. I still feel a little bad about it.
Years later I found out that our first big adventure was to be sentenced to do some public service work as Chaos abatement in the Big Rubble, and that would lead to the rest of the adventure. Unfortunately James, having written the adventure up, couldn't figure out what to do if we didn't get convicted, and so threw in the towel.
But I have always had an interest in the setting - a world that exists and functions on the basis of its myths instead of on physical laws, and where you really can go visit your particular pantheon from time to time, and virtually everyone has (for Heortlings, to give one example, going to the God Plane and hanging out with Orlanth is part of your initiation ceremony for adulthood, and you go visit the God Plane on high holy days every year thereafter). Although I have often found the game systems used for the setting to be somewhat lacking in interest for me, the latest incarnation of Heroquest seems simple and enjoyable enough to be workable - and would probably be sufficiently balanced to prevent my Horrible Humakti from obliterating all play balance again.
Glorantha is one of those worlds, along with Tekumel, Jorune, and a few others, that I will likely never get the opportunity to actually play in for any extended period of time. But still, they are interesting and entertaining worlds just to read about and think about and (occasionally) get out the sourcebooks for and just bat around ideas on a lazy afternoon - and I am indebted to the people who had the creative wherewithal and dedication to make them what they are today.