Haven't done a "State of the Ed" for awhile now. Heck, with the exception of a muffin recipe I haven't posted here in awhile now. I guess it's about time I started again.
So - what IS the state of the Ed, and what has been going on lately here in Casa de los Tres Gatos?
Still in therapy once per week. I'm feeling a little frustrated about that
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Valentine - as placid and kittenish as ever. He and Ubaid love to tussle, and do so several times a day. This is great unless a) it is 2:00 am when they start thundering up and down the hall, b) they decide to tussle in the closet and knock half my shirts onto the floor. Val likes to sleep on Sophie's chest at the beginning of the night, and likes to burrow under the covers sometimes.
Ubaid - he dominates! Thankfully this does not include peeing all over everything, but it is pretty funny to watch him do his dominance display thing, particularly at night when he insists on hopping up on the bed and looming over Sophie and I. This usually happens just before he collapses under my arm and becomes a warm, furry, purring ball. He follows Valentine around most of the day, which is adorable - they look like a miniature pride.
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