Baker's Journal: week 11
There is something deeply satisfying about the time just before opening. The shelves are stocked, the staff are at their appointed places, new items for the afternoon crowd are just starting to bake. There is an anticipation throughout the shop. It brings back memories of younger days, helping my father to prepare for the breakfast rush. Those were happier times!
Still, it is not entirely fulfilling. For one thing, I am still having real difficulties in training and retaining staff. It seems like every time I turn around or pull something new out of the ovens there are new people working here. Fortunately, I have plenty of time while waiting for the latest recipes to come out of the ovens to perform interviews, but it almost feels like a waste of time - they'll be gone before I even remember their names.
Plus, I am pretty sure that they are stealing from the till.
The remodeling of the shop is almost complete! I have replaced the ovens with lovingly restored antiques, built new display racks, and have even installed old-time cash registers. Unfortunately, the wooden tables and chairs I wanted are still on back order at Ikea, The current ones look rather jarring, but I need to work with what I have.
I still haven't learned much about this organization of bakers. I suspect it is some sort of trade union. It might have communist ties, but I'm not sure, and many of the people seem pretty nice, so I don't want to be throwing around insults without good cause. For now things seem to be working out pretty well with them. Except for the fact that they keep coming into my shop, which I find a bit creepy, they seem personable enough. T. is a bit of a mentor for me with the organization. She has a rather motherly quality about her, and is always bringing over all sorts of amazing things! I have been trying to talk her into sharing the recipe for her Parisian macaroons with me, but so far no luck. I haven't been able to learn much of her background yet, but she has let slip some hints of experience with treasure hunting. Could she be a retired adventurer too? I must make the time to visit her shop to see if there is any further indication!
A strange thing has been happening at the shop recently. People have started to leave unwanted animals at my door! At first it was only occasional, but it has begun getting out of hand! Yesterday I found no less than three abandoned puppies and two abandoned kittens out there! What on earth are these people thinking??? This is a bake shop, not a butcher shop! Do they think I can feed these creatures biscotti and keep them happy? Dogs and cats can't live on that sort of food! What sort of a heartless individual would just abandon a house pet, particularly a defenseless young animal, in front of a random store front? Take some responsibility for your animals! Spay or neuter your pet and you won't have to deal with unwanted litters! And if you are going to let your pets get pregnant, for the love of Crom either take care of the puppies and kittens yourselves or at least make the effort to get them to a good home instead of just abandoning them on my doorstep!
It is very difficult and frustrating for me. I really hate to see the poor things suffer. I have been thinking of putting some of the remodeling funds into purchasing a sink so I can at least drown them humanely instead of beating them to death with a rolling pin the way I do now.
What is wrong with people, anyway?