May 26, 2010 17:36

It took awhile, but I finally got a whole bunch of my Imperial Guard minis based yesterday and today.  Now I have everything for my 1,000 pt basic army laid out, and I can get back to painting!  In addition, I put together and based several units of troops that aren't in my basic army, but which I intend to add later - Stormtroopers, Penal Legion, Ogryns,.and Ratlings.

I had a lengthy internal debate about whether or not to add a chimera to my command HQ at the 1,000 pt level.  The way my command HQ is set up, it isn't really terribly mobile, so giving it a Chimera didn't seem as useful as, say, a Heavy Weapons or Special Weapons squad.  But I have a marked preference for fielding my units complete whenever possible, rather than having one incarnation of the unit at one point level and a different incarnation at the next level, so I decided to bite the bullet and get the Chimera at the beginning, field the HQ unit complete, and fill out the platoon with heavy and special weapons later.

Pictures in the next day or so.

imperial guard, warhammer 40k, painting, miniatures

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