You know what I hate?
I hate basing minis.
No, I really hate it.
Part of the reason, I think, is that I generally come at the process badly - I do it at the end instead of at the beginning, so it becomes an entirely new step in the process as opposed to being just one more thing on the model to be base coated at the same time as everything else, given a wash at the same time as everything else, drybrushed at the same time as everything else, and detailed at the same time as everything else.
So having now decided on the general color scheme for my minis (detailing excepted - but that's another story) and selected the models for my company command squad, it's time to take the plunge and base them at the very beginning so I don't have that tedious chore at the end.
I am going to base the company command squad, the platoon command squad, and the two squads of infantry that I have started painting tomorrow.
I base my minis using ballast sand that you can get at most modeling stores. Before basing I fill in any big gaps in the mini base with putty so that I have a relatively smooth surface to work with. For most of the IG models I can skip this step because they are plastic and glued directly to the base, but some will need it. Next I mix up some Elmer's glue and water (about 50/50) and apply it to the base of the mini, then dip the mini base-first into a small bowl of the ballast sand. It comes out with a layer of ballast sand stuck to it, and I tap off any that is loose. Then I set it aside to dry. Presto! I have done the basing!
Just because I know everyone is curious, here are a few pictures I have taken of my IG unit so far.
Two infantry squads, base coated.
Another view of my two infantry squads. Each has a grenade launcher and a heavy bolter.
Yet another view of my heroic Imperial Guard infantry squads! Squad sergeants with chainswords and plasma pistols are to the right of each squad.
Man, these guys are going to die like flies, aren't they?
Good lord, but I have a lot of old Imperial Guard troopers. You can see Rough Riders, various gangers, some of the old RT figures, and the guys on the right in purple were originally painted up to be part of a Genestealer cult army.
Lots of Squats! This doesn't show the Squats that I had already pulled out to go in my two command squads. For some reason there are also three Ratling snipers in here.
BEASTMAN! I have always loved this figure. It's one of the figures I thought of as a must-include when I was making up the unit! He will likely have a spot as the sergeant of my Beastman Veterans unit if I ever get around to modeling it.
Incidentally, GW put out a small number of IG beastmen back in the day. This is the only one I have. If anyone out there has any IG beastmen they want to get rid of, let me know and maybe we can work a deal.
Anyway, that's all from the HQ of the 13th Composite Company for now. I will vox in my next report as things develop - unless the damned Eldar jam my transmissions again.
For the Emperor!