Staves and swords

Apr 10, 2011 09:27

After one false start where I went to the end of act two and decided I wanted to start over, I finished Dragon Age 2 this weekend. Then I promptly started a new game, as a different class. I know it got panned by the galoot who writes the gaming column in the Mirror. He said it was too button-mashy, and it is, a little, but to me, the mashing of the buttons is incidental and it's the characters and story that matter. My biggest complaint is about the buggy quests, like "Raiders on the cliffs" and "Who needs rescuing?". Oh, and also the peculiar bug that got me trapped in a black corner in the Bone Pit and I had to go back to an ealier save. I'm really enjoying it, though. I'm glad I played Witch Hunt and Awakening first, as well. This game invites geekery.
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