spring has sprung a leak in my eyes

Mar 12, 2008 19:20

Spring is here, as my red, itchy, teary, swollen eyes and sneeze attacks can attest to. We are starting to have near 70F degree days about once a week. With all the rain this year, the trees and weeds are spewing forth pollen like crazy. My black car is now a sickly yellow color.

Dyed some hanks of yarn last week and was able to ball them up over the weekend. Pictures and thoughts in a blog post this weekend. Overall I'm happy with the results, but I do feel as if I need to branch out into other colors, maybe earthy greens and browns.

I'm using undyed Knit Picks yarn to make Maryse's Gathered Scarf. Might try dying it once it's done, but I kind of like the natural color too. Ah! I just noticed that my wip picture has the inverse color scheme as Maryse's :).

Wavering on the purchase of a DSLR. I had thought I was pretty set on the Canon Digital Rebel Xti. Now I am considering the Olympus Evolt E510. Buying any camera seems like an extravagance for me.

Living on a busy street has its moments of excitement. The other week a car crashed into an apartment building across the street. The car flipped, but it appeared no one was seriously hurt. Remember people, shiny side up!

All I want to do is sleep, sleep, sleep.

wip, dying, spring allergies, cars, yarn, musings

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