Mixed Bag o' Rambling

Aug 08, 2008 13:57

I found out this week that you shouldn't run while wearing steel-toe boots. Or at least, *I* shouldn't run while wearing steel-toe boots. *sigh* I've done some minor but painful damage to my posterior cruciate ligament. It's still attached, thank goodness, but boy oh boy, it's not happy with me. Ice packs and ibuprofen have been my friends this week.

So remember...no running in steel-toe boots. Trust me on this one.


I finished Breaking Dawn last night. Ahoy, mateys!!! Spoilers under the cut!

Oh. My. God. What a disappointment. The emotional undercurrent of the first three novels is gone. The characters are practically unrecognizable. You know how TV series are said to jump the shark? This book jumped a whole freakin' ocean full of sharks.

I don't know what happened. I don't know if Stephanie Meyers had a tough deadline or lost her mojo or let her neighbor's cat write the book. The final installment bears so little resemblance to the story set up in the previous three novels that I wish I could erase my memory of what I read.

That said, I'll still buy Stephanie Meyers' future books because I like her writing. I do think she's a fine storyteller. But for me, the story of Edward and Bella ended with the third book in the series.

So here it is, the beginning of August, and I swear, I feel autumn in the air. It's definitely a crazy "inner world" thing for me because it's still definitely summer in my part of NC. Maybe this feeling has to do with finding bright gold leaves in the driveway and seeing all the back to school stuff in the stores. Or maybe I'm just, um, crazy and need my meds adjusted. ;) It's a toss-up, yo.


I watched an online trailer for Appaloosa, a new western starring Ed Harris and Viggo Mortensen. The movie looks really good. Ed and Viggo look like they were born to play these roles; they have the rangy physicality of hard men and the requisite ice-cold thousand yard stare. Why do I find this appealing? *g*


My god-daughter has five teeth and can walk a few steps if she holds on to the coffee table or someone's hand. She likes to paddle in a swimming pool and loves to pat computer keyboards. I miss her like crazy. I can't get over how fast she's grown...and how fast time has sped by.


Happy Friday!

rowan, breaking dawn, knee problems, autumn

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