10 Things MeMe

Nov 15, 2006 19:21

jasmineskie tagged me!

MEME RULES: Each player of this game starts off with 10 weird things/habits about yourself. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 10 weird habits/things as well as state this rule clearly. At the end you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names.

1. For a very long time, my claustrophobia was so bad that I couldn't eat in restaurants. (Anxiety makes it difficult for me to swallow.) I still have difficulty with this if I'm very tired or if the restaurant is very crowded.

2. I can't daydream like a normal person. I "write" in my head---I make up stories to pass the time if I'm stuck somewhere without something to read.

3. I wear certain pieces of jewelry as connections to the people I love: my wedding band from my husband; an olive wood cross my sister-in-law gave me; my grandmother's diamond engagement ring; a bracelet full of charms given by my best friends; earrings a friend brought back from Hawaii for me.

4. I'm fairly germophobic and have made the people in the antibacterial wipes/sanitizing hand gel industry very rich.

5. I've been known to literally shriek like a tea kettle in bookstores when I spot a book I've been wanting but didn't think was out yet. So far, I haven't been asked to leave a store after making a ruckus...

6. Even though I'm 43, experienced in the ways of the world, and have an exceedingly dirty mind, I blush bright red very easily. My coworkers love this and will do just about anything to make me turn tomato-y.

7. I collect small stones from places I visit. I have no shame in asking friends and coworkers to bring back stones from me if they go someplace cool. I have a pretty stone from a beach in Nova Scotia (courtesy of a coworker) and several amazing stones from England (thanks to a friend). (The only exception I'll make in this habit is for Hawaii; legend has it that the goddess who guards the islands will curse you if you bring a single stone back to the mainland. I'm not pushing my luck.)

8. I knew from a very young age that I would never be a mother.

9. I learned to read the newspaper at age 4. I still love reading newspapers and love to buy local papers when I travel.

10. I had an experience in Hawaii this year that will no doubt brand me as, well, kooky. When my husband and I were 10,000 feet up on Haleakala, I literally heard my dead grandfather's voice. I clearly heard him say "How ya doin', kiddo?" The logical explanation for this is that I was a little goofy from the thin air. 10,000 feet up is pretty darn high. The not-so-logical explanation for this is that my Pop Pop---who loved Hawaii and went there not too long before his death---was checking in to let me know he was okay.

Let's see, who can I tag who hasn't already done this one? Tell you what...if you want to do it, cool beans. No pressure. ;)


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