look at me im updating, thought you'd never see the day huh? So guess what, i have been crowned the official goddess of Johnny Depp, it's true look...
Johnny Depp (
_johnny_d_) wrote,
14 11:19:00
Emanuelle Chriqui is a goddess.
see, told ya! Those are the quirks you get for being nice. So last night chris FINALLY moved in, he met turtle and turtle met pepper, for the most part they met very briefly, it was more like a sniff and run. I'll be helping chris for most of the day getting his stuff situated, so i'll be making myself useful today.
Tyler, im sorry hon that ive been so grouchy lately, its that damn PMS for sure, call me soon, and this time i don't need a therapy session. so thats all folks, oh yeah i also got another new name from chris carmack, i am now a whore*rae*isnt't that something fucker! but we won't get into that, let's just leave it at that