Feb 10, 2005 19:35
Snow day today.....I was up until 12:30 last night doing Janeway stuff,
that is until my power went out at midnight and I was forced to sleep,
and today I got up at 8 and finished it up. The driving on our road was
so bad that I couldn't get to practice, so basically had a lazy day
around the house. JANEWAY IS DONE, Sarah May-see-el and i dropped our
apps off in Chesterfield at like 3 when the driving thing was actually
possible, Then we went to Amy's for lunch. But ohhh my gaaah I feel soo
relieved now that that's done with, at least for now I mean. I ended up
putting 1. Ecuador 2. Chile and 3. Argentina (South) as my top 3
Anyhoooo, today Snow Day + Massive bowl of Ben & Jerry's + THE O.C.
(end of season 1) = completely og-ful, I needed it so badly too-like
getting rid of all the stress from Janeway shit and just sitting around
and not having to worry about anything, school, apps, whatevah. I
lahved it.
Kiera's party is on Saturday night, I'm def looking forward to DPing
all night, or at least until like midnight. Let's think about this
people, we've got a DP Sat. night at Kiera's 16th, then the semi on
March 26th, more DPing, then NYC in May, more DPing, and then prom in
May too, as in FOUR major DPs within like FOUR months of each other.
Ahh my iTunes are on shuffle and "Boomerang" by Hanson just came on, a
throwback to the days of their first album. I am a huge nerd but ask me
if I care.
Alsooo speaking of nerdy things, I'm making a movie for my Element
Buddy proj in Chemistry and need people to be in it. Any volunteers?
The element is uranium and I've got some good ideas so far.
bahahahahhaa. let me know.
love to you all