Tom the Imposter Cat and Baking Cats

Oct 19, 2007 12:20

Yesterday Morning my youngest sister calls me at work with the strangest conversation. She told me "There's a cat in my bed that looks like Tom (our cat) but I don't think it's Tom. He's purring. Do you think it's Tom?"

Me: "Why don't you think it's Tom?

Sister "He looks like Tom, He's the same color, same size but I don't think it's Tom. He could be Tom but,(pause) no I don't think so. What color are Tom's eyes? I don't know. It could be Tom but no it's not Tom."

Me: "Is the cat still with you? Do you think it's a ferrell cat? Do you think he will scratch or bite you if you through it outside?"

Sister: " It could be Tom, No I don't think so...No It's not. This cat has whiskers"

Me: "Whisker's grow back but if you don't think it's your cat through it outside"

Sister: "Whisker's don't grow back. Ok he's outside but he wants to come back in"

Later that day She calls again

"The imposter Tom keeps hiding in all of the same places that Tom likes to go, I talked to M, she thinks it ate Tom and is an imposter Tom. Tom's no where to be found"

Me: "I thought you put the cat outside"

Sister: "He kept coming to the door so I let it back in."

Me: "Why"

Sister: "Think Mom would notice the imposter cat is not Tom? He's nicer I want to keep him?"

I can't tell if my sister was being her usual silly self or on drugs. If I didn't know her better I would say drugs but unfortunately this is what she's like on occasion. When she was 5, she convinced an Aunt (that comes to our house frequently) that she was locked in the basement of our house for hours. This is impossible because there are no doors, it's all open, it took our aunt a few hours to remember this.

A little while later I was told about the parchment paper I left on the cake I made for my cake decorating class. The teacher told us to put it on the bottom of the pan and I completely forgot about it when I put it together the day after I baked it and frosted on top of the parchment which was in the middle and on the top. Everyone had a good laugh about it. Good thing I never claimed to be a chef :)

It was a most surreal day for me.
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