I've been pretty quiet on her as of late, so it may surprise some of you to learn that I'm writing fic again. Some of it's been "just for me," and the rest is planning for projects I hope will turn out in the long run. So bear with me, and I may produce.
At the same time, all the fandom thinking as of late made me want to fill out the shipping meme
lazaefair posted a few days ago.
"One True Pairing" ship:
Harry/Hermione, Harry Potter
What can I say? At 14, back when I first read Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, I fell in love with these two. I know that canon evidence past GoF pointed towards Hermione/Ron, but I just couldn't shake my love for these two. I don't mind Hermione/Ron, but I've just never felt Harry/Ginny, mostly because I never felt like she was developed enough as a character. I feel like the Ginny that resides in JKR's mind is probably better suited for him, but I'm not sure how well that character translated to the pages of the books.
"One True Threesome" ship:
Hermione/Fleur/Snape, Harry Potter
lazaefair puts it, I'm too "vanilla" to have a OTT. But I did read an awesome fic once at
Restricted Section that featured these three in a strange scenario where Snape cast the Imperius Curse, but it didn't take, but they went along with his sexy scheme anyway...
"Canon" ship:
Logan/Veronica, Veronica Mars
They're definitely one of my OTPs, but since they're canon (while H/Hr isn't), they didn't win out. Coming into the VM fandom from HP was an interesting experience, since I just assumed every fandom was tearing itself apart with shipping wars.
"Not Quite Canon but Should Be" ship:
Fred/Angelina, Harry Potter
What happened after the Yule Ball? In my world, he left school at the end of OotP, in part to be with her. In reality, Fred didn't make it to the end of the series, and according to JKR, Angelina ended up with George. But since George (at least in my opinion) is really, really gay...
"If This Happens I'll Stab My Eyes Out with a Spork" ship:
Veronica/Piz, Veronica Mars
Really, my eyes were bleeding EVERYWHERE circa April 2007.
"You Are One Sick Bastard" ship:
Mac/Dick, Veronica Mars
Just stop pairing them together. I recognize that there's a lack of suitable male characters for Mac. That does not mean you can overcome years of Dick being a DICK in canon.
"I'm One Sick Bastard" ship:
Sirius/Lavender Brown, Harry Potter
One of the earliest drafts of Truest Power called for pairing Sirius with someone MUCH younger, which over time evolved to Lavender. Of course, this was before the release of HBP, so it was before Lavender had much of a personality. It made sense at the time, I swear.
"I Dabble a Little" ship:
Logan/Mac, Veronica Mars
I don't want to give too much away, but I've felt myself going in this direction lately in some cases.
"It's Like a Car Crash" ship:
Spike/Buffy, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
I never liked Buffy/Angel, and these two really were like a car crash. Also loved Angel/Cordelia on Angel, but I'm not sure if they were quite a car crash, since the problems weren't of their own creating.
"Tickles My Fancy but Not Sold Quite Yet" ship:
Rachel/Joey, Friends
I never supported Ross/Rachel. They just seemed too different for me. I did, however, feel like something about Rachel/Joey worked. Then again, I loved the Lisa Kudrow/Matt LeBlanc pitch that Phoebe and Joey were having casual sex all along...
"Makes No Canon Sense but Why the Hell Not" ship:
George Weasley/Lee Jordan, Harry Potter
It's not canon and I know it, but don't try to tell me it...
"Everyone Else Loves It but I Just Don't Feel It" ship:
Ross/Rachel, Friends
A stable relationship teenage lust does not make. I never felt like either of their reasons for caring about the other were well-explained on the show. Why would someone as geeky and intelligent as Ross want someone as shallow as Rachel was in high school? Her looks! But I never felt like his reasons deepened or evolved as her character did.
"When All Is Said and Done" ship:
Logan/Veronica, Veronica Mars
Come on. They can't stay away from each other. No matter what happens, no matter how big a bitch she is or how stupid he acts, they belong together.
"Guilty Pleasure" ship:
Draco/Ginny, Harry Potter
Makes no canon sense, but I love Fandom!Draco, the one who fights for the light. It does kind of make Ginny the "fandom bicycle" (
lazaefair's term, not mine), but I love it nonetheless.
"I Can't Believe I Read It and Liked It" ship:
Snape/Hermione, Harry Potter
Again with Restricted Section... I can't deny enjoying the subset of fics where he keeps he from serious harm at the hands of the Death Eaters.
Favorite "Older/Younger" ship:
Monica/Richard, Friends
Although my Friends OTP is definitely Monica/Chandler, rewatching the third season this summer made me see Monica/Richard in a more positive light. He was right for her at the time, and now I can totally relate to not wanting the same things as someone you care deeply for...
My First "I Could Never Abandon You" ship:
Elizabeth/Tom Watts, Sweet Valley University
I wrote a lot more Elizabeth/Conner when I started reading Sweet Valley Senior Year, but it never struck a chord with me the way Elizabeth/Tom did. I never liked Todd Wilkins, probably because I preferred SVU to SVH. I know, I know. I'm a big nerd. But Sweet Valley was the first fandom I ever loved, ever wrote for, every obsessed about, so it deserves a shout-out here.
"Favorite Devotion" ship:
Lupin/Tonks, Harry Potter
I still can't believe JKR took our suggestion and killed it off. At least Orphan!Teddy, I imagine, had a happier childhood than Orphan!Harry.
"Favorite Never-Met" ship:
Veronica/Dean, Veronica Mars and Supernatural
I haven't read what I would consider a "convincing" portrayal of this yet, but if that means I must write my own, so be it.
"Favorite Pervy" ship:
Richie/Margot, The Royal Tenenbaums
Not really incest, but still a little wrong. I can't get enough of these two.
"Favorite Dominance Battle" ship:
Booth/Brennan, Bones
Lab and logic or heart and intuition? I love the battles they wage, and I want desperately for them to be together. At the same time, I think the writers would be crazy to give in. It would certain ruin the show.