Here's the deal. A very, very long time ago, I signed up for a table at
100_situations. At the time, it seemed like a good idea - I would write, and the prompts would provide me with jumping off points.
Of course, then life got in the way and I took a break from fandom. I'm back now, trying to clear old projects off the hard drive, with the better part of 100 stories waiting to be finished. But it's something I want to do, even if one-word isn't quite the jumping off point I hoped it would be.
So here's where you can help. Go, take a look at my
table, and pick a word, any word. Anything that's not in plain text (not italics or a hyperlink) is fair game. Leave me a comment with a line, a word of dialogue, a one-sentence prompt, anything that gives me a little more to work with. You can even issue a challenge within a challenge. And I'll start writing them in the order requests are received. You'll get credit for your inspiration and more Logan/Veronica fic to read.
And look for chapter three of
All the PI's Men by the end of the week.