(no subject)

Oct 13, 2005 17:57

i love it how at dwight, rainy days make people all the more friendly.

when running between buildings without an umbrella is not an option, you'd be surprised how instantaneously popular you become if youre the owner of one. the american motto applies here as well, the bigger the better. as i was walking from the library to legett, i witnessed friendships i never was aware of. (and the people probably werent aware of either). it was funny to see arbituary people putting their arms around umbrella owner's shoulders and talking a nice walk with them to the next class, arriving sprinkled, but not saturated. the four dollar,china town, orange with cloud, umbrella i brought to school, just in case,  was my ticket to popularity. what a good investment. usually i walk alone to classes, minding my own buisness and saying hi to friends along the way. oh no, not wednesday. at one point, i had three people under my (aprox.) three by three foot umbrella, attempting to safely (and dryly walk) down the stairs. it was a riot. and when i passed a "friend", they would sneak a second under my umbrella to relieve themselves of the wet.

poor sylu and arabella, however. they were victims.when i realized who they were, no matter how quickly i ran to cover them with my umby, it was too late. the wet gobbled them up and spit them out like a cell phone dropped in the ocean. that was my first and last attempt to run like a madwoman to sheild my friends from the trecherous rain. all other instances i deemed futile.

if there was a famine, and i brought lunch to school, i'd become the most popular girl at school. and sit at the senior tables.

this is not coherent writing.

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