(no subject)

May 15, 2006 14:19




* **, A.V. FOMICHEV***,
The cross-section of U-235 fission induced by neutrons with the energy of 20-200 MeV was estimated. The

estimation presents a combined data processing of so-called “absolute” measurements and “shape

measurements” performed in the Khlopin Radium Institute over a period of several years by the Program

“Neutron Data for Science and Technology”. The resulting version of the cross-section is independent of data

obtained by other experimental groups.


The cross-section of U235 fission induced by neutrons is considered as the nuclear

standard. The upper bound of application of this standard increased to 200 MeV. This

happened in relation to new technological problems in the range of intermediate neutron

energies. Unfortunately, for neutron energies higher than 20 MeV the fission cross-section of

U235 was barely obtained from the experiments performed in one nuclear center, Los

Alamos. Independent data for this energy range would be extremely useful, since these data

could help decrease a systematic error in determination of this value. In this work we attempt

to obtain such independent data.

To solve the problem we do not propose new experiments. We will use the results of

the experiments performed previously in the Khlopin Radium Institute. The fission crosssection

of U235 has been measured for various neutron-energy ranges, with the use of various

neutron sources. The results of these measurements were published previously. However, our

approach considers these data as a new experimental set, allowing us to obtain new results by

a corresponding processing. We employ the recognized, well tested calculation code for

obtaining the shape of the neutron flux from the neutron-producing target. Further, we use this

calculated dependence for normalization of the experimental data. The experimental data and

the calculation code are equally important for the final result.


We consider two groups of experiments measuring the fission cross-section, called

absolute and relative. In absolute experiments, the neutron flux, i.e. the number of neutrons

passed through the fissile target, is measured. In relative experiments, counting of fission

event of the studied nuclide is performed relatively to the counting of fission events of the

reference nuclide, i.e. two fissile samples are placed in the same neutron flow.

The measurements related to the first group were performed for fixed neutron

energies. The neutron flux was determined by the method of associated particles. There are

five such values (or points at the scale of the energy dependence of U235 fission crosssection):

2.6, 4.5, 8.5, 14.5, and..19.5 MeV (A.V.Fomichev

The measurements related to the second group were performed on a spallation neutron

source that has a wide neutron energy spectrum (O. Shcherbakov, A. Donets, A. Evdokimov

et al
1), V.N.Dushin et al.2)).3)). The number of incident neutrons in the fission detector was not measured. However,
the energy of each neutron producing a fission act was measured. It was determined by the

time-of-flight procedure. These experiments gave the counts of the fission detector as a

function of the energy of the neutrons initiating fission in the energy range of 1-200 MeV.

For relative measurements, the shape of the energy dependence of the neutron flux is

not needed. Therefore, it was not determined in the experiments. However, if this dependence

is known, the relative measurements can be normalized by the absolute measurements. The

result can be extrapolated for the entire energy range.

Modern calculation codes allow reconstruction of the neutron flux shape from the

experimental conditions. For this purpose we used one of these codes, FLUKA, written by

A.Fasso', A.Ferrari, J.Ranft et al.

known geometry of the neutron-producing target and performed the normalization.
4). We reconstructed the neutron-flux shape based on the

The calculated shape of the neutron flux is shown in Fig. 1. In the calculations, we

used characteristics of the neutron-producing target, such as material characteristics and

geometric sizes, and also the characteristics of proton beam, such as the energy of the incident

protons and the beam diameter.

1 10 100





E(n), MeV
Neutron flux from the neutron-producing target, calculated with the use of code FLUKA4).
In the calculations, we did not take into account the following factors: (a) position of

the incident proton beam relative to the target edges, (b) massive construction elements

located near the target, and (c) obstacles for the neutron flux in the way to the fission detector

(such as collimators forming the sizes of the neutron beam in the experimental area, sections

at which the beam passes through membranes or flies though the air, etc.).

The dependence of the neutron flux on neutron energy, plotted in logarithmic

coordinates, closely resembles a straight line. The result for the U235 fission cross-section

estimated from our experimental data is presented by the solid red line in Fig. 2. The error

band is shown by dotted red lines. The arithmetic operations with simulated and experimental

data were restricted to a division of the count rate of a fission detector by the value of neutron

flux according to:


fE )= Φ



neutron beam produced by the spallation source as a function neutron energy;
E) * σ(E)* Const. , (1)NfE ) is the number of counts of U235 fission events from the detector placed in theΦ

calculated dependence of the neutron-flux density on neutron energy; and “Const.” is a

normalization factor selected to ensure that the cross-section curve passes through the

experimental points from A.V.Fomichev
E) is the1).
10 100






n, xn

n, xp

n, x

n,f n,nf n,2nf n,3nf

Fission, U235, bn

E(n), MeV

Our evaluation


RI data

Stat.error band

Fig. 2.

of INDC-368
Cross-section of U235 fission by neutrons. Black curve describes our data; red curve corresponds to data5); red-dotted curves show the error band for our estimation.

(1) The above procedure of data processing allows obtaining the fission cross-section for

U235 induced by neutrons with energies from 1 to 200 MeV with the error of 10%.

(2) In some energy ranges our estimation is in good agreement with the values recommended

in INDC-368

(3) There are ranges of discrepancy in Fig. 2. The interesting discrepancy of our curve with

the recommended curve is seen at energies higher than 20 MeV. Our curve predicts a local

decrease and increase at energies ~ 60 MeV, while the recommended curve has a smooth


(4) The reliability of the above conclusions can be improved by co processing of results of

our experiments performed for a number of nuclides: U235, U238, Np237, Pu239, Pu240,

and Pu242.

(5) The accuracy of the neutron flux restoration can be improved by making an additional

experiment, in which the point of proton entry into the neutron-producing target will be


1) A.V. Fomichev, Ph.D. thesis, V.G. Khlopin Radium Institute, 1984

2) V.N. Dushin, A.V. Fomichev, S.S. Kovalenko et al, Statistical analysis of experimental data of fission cross

section measurements on U233,235,238, Np237, Pu239,242 at neuron energies 2.56, 8.4, 14.5 MeV, Proc. Of

the XII International symp. on nuclear physics., Gaussig, 1982, p. 138.

3) O. Shcherbakov, A. Donets, A. Evdokimov et al., Neutron-Induced Fission of U233,238,Th232, Pu239,

Np237, Pbnat, and Bi209 Relative to U235 in The Energy Range 1-200 MeV.

4) A.Fasso', A.Ferrari, J.Ranft, P.R.Sala, "FLUKA: Status and Prospective for Hadronic

Applications", Proceedings of the MonteCarlo 2000 Conference, Lisbon, October 23-26 2000,

A.Kling, F.Barao, M.Nakagawa, L.Tavora, P.Vaz - eds. , Springer-Verlag Berlin, p.955-960


5) A.D. Carlson, S. Chiba, F.-J.Hambch et al. Update to Nuclear Dada Standatds for Nuclear Measurements,

INDC-368, 1997

Dear Dr. Jacqmin,
> I am answering to your question for Akira Hasegawa. The following are
> revised parts of U-235 and U-238 for JENDL-3.3:
> U-235
> 1) Nu-p
>     The data curve of JENDL-3.2 was smoothed by averaging.
> 2) Nu-d and decay constants
>     Slightly modified.
> 3) Resolved resonance parameters up to 2.25 keV
>     The parameters of Leal et al. (= ENDF/B-VI.5) were adopted.
> 4) Unresolved resonance parameters (2.25 - 30 keV)
>     JENDL-3.2 parameters were slightly modified so as to reproduce the
>     cross sections in this region newly evaluated on the basis of
>     experimental data.
> 5) Fission cross section
>     Simultaneous evaluation was made for the fission cross sections of
>     U-233, U-235, U-238, Pu-239, Pu-240 and Pu-241 in the energy range
>     from 30 keV to 20 MeV. This result was adopted.
> 6) Capture cross section
>     The direct capture cross section was added.
> 7) (n,2n) cross section
>     The cross section above 15 MeV was modified.
> 8) Fission spectrum
>     New calculation was made. The new spectrum was harder than JENDL-3.2,
>     and similar to ENDF/B-VI. In the energy region above 10 MeV,
>     pre-equilibrium process was considered for the pre-fission neutrons.
> 9) Delayed neutron spectra
>     Brady-England (=ENDF/B-VI) was adopted.
> 10) Other neutron spectra
>     Calculated with GNASH code.
> U-238
> 1) Nu-d and decay constants
>     Slightly modified.
> 2) Fission cross section
>     The result of the simultaneous evaluation was adopted.
> 3) Inelastic scattering cross sections
>     Direct crss sections were re-calculated for the levels of MT=54, 55
>     and 56. The data for MT=78 to 83 were deleted and those of MT=91 were
>     modified.
> 4) Capture cross section
>     The cross section above 1 MeV was modified.
> 5) (n,2n) cross section
>     Slight modification was made around 14 MeV
> 6) (n,3n) and (n,4n)
>     Calculated with GNASH code.
> 7) Angular distributions of elastically scattered neutrons
>     Slightly changed.
> 8) Fission spectrum
>     In the energy region above 10 MeV, preequiliburium process was
>     considered for the pre-fission neutrons.
> 9) Delayed neutron spectra
>     Brady-England was adopted.
> 10) Other neutron spectra
>     Calculated with GNASH code.

Neutron-Induced Fission Cross-Section of U235 at Energies of 20-200 MeV


St. Petersburg State University, Uljanovskaja St. 1, 195904, Petrodvorets, Russia


V.G. Khlopin Radium Institute, 2-nd Murinski Ave. 28, 194021, St.Petersburg, Russia
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