Dec 31, 2003 18:13
yanno what? happy new years kiddos.
i'm off to a party tonight.
me, meredith c., leah, matthew p., mark, will, john m., david f., and daniel all went rock climbing last night at a place in greenville. rocks and ropes. it was frickin' awesome. i'll probably end up going again. this really helped me with my fear of heights too, even though i know i won't always have ropes attached to me when i'm up high. it just felt nice to fall and actually have someone to catch me so i knew i would be okay. trust me, i fall a lot. no one ever catches me but this time i was all attached to ropes and guys were all holding them so i felt quite secure. either way, it was a blast and i'm not even really that sore.
uh rawr. i dyed my hair BURGUNDY. i would have pictures but the camera battery is dead. i'll get nathan to take some tonight with his camera at the party.