my speeding heart.

Mar 20, 2005 16:30

I left for Sabrina's cottage on Thursday.
we made serious fun of those bratty faced girls that were staying there.
I totally met Trent's girlfriend, Sarah.
we drank tons of tea, and ate pizza/Ben&Jerry's/IndianMotorcyle? at the village.
I unexpectedly drank alcohol.
we had crazy fun with Andrea & Alex.
I for sure heard her brother and his girlfriend doing it in the bathroom.
we lazed and watched movies and just full out enjoyed the scenery.
I was experiencing difficulties with the nose ring.
we just fuckin' fuckin'.
I had a crazy urge to ski.
we loaded my camera with pictures (which I will be later posting).
I definitely lovvvved it up there.
we definitely had some fuckin' crazy experiences.

I fuckin' love my bestfriend,
(we had this really nice night, really nice)
and her cottage.

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