Apr 28, 2005 14:53
Hey everyone! whoa baby haha today was a whoa baby day. haha nick looked hott today and he usually just looks like nick but today he looked like whoa baby. hehe today was a pretty cool day. Thursday is like my fave day of the week haha steve. so yes ugh i miss like craig i havent like talk to him like all day ugh i have to babysit tonight form 4:45 till 9 then u have to come home call steve,ricky,and josh i want to call craig but i dunno if im able to do that cuz it will be like 9 and ill probably call chris because i usually call him sometimes around like 9:45ish so i dunno we will have to see. haha rachel said that that brian guy is like gorgeous hehe woot woot haha so yes ugh ya gg bye everyone i miss the purple skies!! bye bye ~ Beutybha7