I keep starting posts and then failing to finish them, so maybe I should just aim to say less.
Community: ...some weeks, it's like this show is being broadcast from inside my brain. A++
Doctor Who: quite intrigued by the season's setup. My emotional investment in Amy and Rory as characters is much, much higher than my emotional investment in Eleven and River, but that's been working out well enough for me so far.
Game of Thrones: I haven't had a tv all year, and I didn't miss it until this show premiered. I finally read the whole book series last month, and I'm loving the adaptation.
-I adore the scenes between Ned and Arya. You get a great sense of him as a man who really loves his family, and Arya is my favorite in general. (I hope we get to see some of the cat-chasing next week.)
-As jarring as it can be at times to listen to the three Lannister siblings speaking in completely different accents, I wouldn't really want to trade any of the actors. Tyrion is fabulous, and I already loved Lena Headey, but I'm also loving Jaime. Lots more fleshing out of him as a character much earlier on than was true in the books, and I like the way the actor is selling that complexity... although he did just throw a small child off a tower three episodes ago, so he's not all THAT sympathetic yet. I read the first book when it was published and didn't read the rest until last month, so I was always a little confused about the level of fan-following that Jaime had, since he doesn't have any POV chapters in the first book and his actions are pretty much all despicable. I suspect that would be less likely to be a mystery to anyone who's just watching the series.
-Knowing what develops from it, I was wincing my way through the whole last scene between Catelyn and Tyrion, and I don't know which of them to feel worse for.
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