I always feel a little bit out of step with Yuletide. Like, I totally see why it's fun to do the mad dash of reading and reccing before the reveal, but I'm usually offline more around Christmas, and - that's a lot of fic! But then I haven't read very much, and the authors are revealed and all the recs slide off my flist and into oblivion, and even though, intellectually, I know that the stories are there all year, it winds up feeling like I've missed the boat and I end up having read maybe half a dozen of them.
That's not a complaint, it's just an accounting of yearly personal fail. *g*
But this year, ho ho, I have means, motive AND opportunity to do better, and thus:
Anthropomorfic -
Rough(Get Unfilled Requests/Upload)
Ahahaha. There's a bunch of fandom anthropomorfic this year, and it's all worth reading. I particularly enjoyed the wistful quality of this one and, for obvious reasons, the subject matter.
The Big Bang Theory -
The Cheap Trick AccelerationPenny, Sheldon, Star Trek, time travel and a road trip. Deeply awesome.
The Blue Castle -
Where the Winter Roses GrowCissy Gay; sad, but a lovely read.
Cable and Deadpool -
The Cable & Deadpool Yuletide SpecialHysterically funny and then a little bit poignant, even to someone who doesn't know the characters. Excellent/disturbing use of Care Bears.
Cambridge Latin Course/Doctor Who -
In PompeiumThere were two Cambridge Latin Course stories written in Latin for Yuletide this year. The other is, well, porn, and is only visible to registered users. (Perhaps the author didn't want it to turn up for kids googling their homework assignments.) This one is a short, adorable recap of the Doctor Who episode "The Fires of Pompeii," and it comes with a vocabulary list, so it's accessible to people who don't know their agricola from their imperator.
Dinosaur Comics -
Apocalypse How?Absolutely the perfect tone for Dinosaur Comics fic, oh my god.
Dracula -
a mind overborneCREEPY.
Emily of New Moon -
A Hundred Visions and RevisionsThis has a certain sense of inevitability to it. The more Emily fic I read, the more I want the story to end with Emily and Ilse ditching the guys and going off together, platonically or otherwise. I should probably go read the fic that's about that. ;)
Fairytales - Lord Wolfe and the Ape-Leader
A regency romance with werewolves. And really awesome tags.
Homestar Runner -
Strong Sad's Litany of Crushed Hopes and DreamsHeeeeeeee.
If on a winter's night a traveler -
Five stories the Reader never beganWHOA. I hadn't read the book, so this totally broke my brain. Awesomely meta.
Lilo & Stitch -
all your heart-melodiesLilo grows up! The ending is the best thing ever.
LOLcats -
The Cheezburger Run in the SkyAll LOLcats go to heaven. Even if they don't want to.
Lord Peter Wimsey -
All Our Scattered LeavesThe end of the war; absolutely spot-on perfect voices.
Maru Desu | I am Maru -
[ I succeeded in crawling into the breast of my big boss! ]Fic! Fic about Maru the cat who jumps into boxes! <3
The Middleman -
The Bloodsucking Brownie ExterminationI am very impressed by people who can capture the Middleman tone this well. Delightful. (And there is more Middlefic that I haven't had a chance to read yet!)
Oregon Trail -
And Then We Shot the OxI was not paying close enough attention to the summary, so there was a certain progression from "Oregon Trail fic! Ha ha - wait, what's going on here?" to "ohhhh" to "AWESOME".
Oxford Time Travel series (Connie Willis) -
The Season of GraceA sad, lovely coda to The Doomsday Book.
Pushing Daisies -
MumblyA perfect Olive-finds-out story.
The Thrilling Adventures of Lovelace and Babbage -
Lovelace and Babbage vs. The Christmas Death Spider From Beyond The AtlanticNo lie, I kept looking to see if this would show up in the fandom listing, would totally have been tempted to write a pinch hit for it had I the skill and was THRILLED TO BITS that someone else did. It was the first story I went to read. <3 <3 <3
Yikes, that's just the tip of the iceberg - must read more!
Also, for the record, I am clearly contributing to people's writerly angst by repeatedly opening bunches of Yuletide stories in tabs, going "asdkfjiglej, TOO MANY TABS," closing them all and then going back to read one by one. I've hit a bunch of stories five or six times. SORRY.